The Science of Self-Realization ( The Science of Self-Realization )
Śrīla Prabhupāda, a true holy man (sādhu) of deep intellectual and spiritual sensitivity had deep concern and compassion for our spiritually deprived society. For the enlightenment of humanity, he translated in modern English the same timeless knowledge that other great selfrealized teachers have spoken for millennia—knowledge that opens up the secrets of the self within us, nature and the universe, and the Supreme Self within and without. This enthralling volume covers everything from Śrīla Prabhupāda’s poignant exchange with a noted cardiologist on “soul research,” his revelations to London Broadcasting Company on reincarnation, his telling remarks to the London Times on real and false gurus, his dialogue with a German Benedictine monk on Kṛishna and Christ, his insights on the law of karma to his conversation with a leading Russian scholar on spiritual communism and so much more. The Science of Self-Realization will ignite inspiration and enlightenment within, and enable the self to unite with the divine.